How to Enhance Your Buyer Profile to Acquire Your Dream Property ?


The real estate market has now become a jungle where each potential buyer competes against all others. This is compounded by the difficulty of proving to the seller that you are a serious candidate. The race for financing becomes increasingly intense after obtaining a sales agreement, adding to the stress faced by all those with a purchasing project.

...All? No: veterans of the sector use "principles of agreement". We'll explain all this:

1. What is a principle of agreement ?

For a lending institution to attest to the amount it is willing to lend you, it provides you with a principle of agreement. This represents the first step towards obtaining a mortgage.

2. What is the purpose of a principle of agreement ?

This document primarily serves as an indicator of the amount you can borrow from the institution in question. It’s a way for you to avoid unpleasant surprises and have a reliable idea of your real estate budget.

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A principle of agreement also serves as proof of your financing capacity in the eyes of the seller. Your profile is automatically considered serious, consequently more attractive than others.

Finally, a principle of agreement allows you to not start from scratch in your financing search process after obtaining the sales agreement: you will have already made contact with a lending institution, and you will have already gathered your borrower file. You will thus have identified elements that could be a barrier to obtaining credit (or that could earn you a less attractive interest rate), if any, giving you time to correct them.

3. Where to request my principle of agreement ?

Today, you can perform a credit simulation at Agenz. You have the option of being put in contact with a bank advisor who can study your borrower file and provide you with a principle of agreement. Let yourself be guided!

💡 Good to know : obtaining a principle of agreement from a banking institution does not constitute a commitment to borrow. You are therefore entirely free to play the competition and ultimately borrow from another institution.

Salima HamriniSalima HamriniEditor and journalist specializing in real estate.
9 May 2023
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