How much is your home worth ?

How much is your home worth ?

Estimate the price of your accommodation in less than two minutes

Estimate for free and in 2 minutes with agenz, the leader in Morocco

The online estimation tool developed by agenz allows to estimate the selling price or to estimate the rent of your apartment or house

Discover in less than 2 minutes the sale price as well as the cost of the rent of your apartment or house .

Free estimate

Discover in less than 2 minutes the sale price as well as the cost of the rent of your apartment or house .

The estimate reflects the reality of the market in your neighborhood using millions of listings and past transactions .

Clear and precise

The estimate reflects the reality of the market in your neighborhood using millions of listings and past transactions .

Your estimate is updated every month according to the evolution of the price of the real estate market in your neighborhood .

Regular updates

Your estimate is updated every month according to the evolution of the price of the real estate market in your neighborhood .

1 estimate is made every minute on agenz.ma40K Sellers have started their sales projects on Agenz, the leader in Morocco.
How is your estimate calculated?
We start by calculating a price per m2 based on your address, the age of your property and recent offers and sales in the area,then the price per m2 is adjusted according to the criteria you have entered such as the floor, the orientation or the condition of the property.
Our data sourcesTo calculate your estimate we use the following data :
Hundreds of thousands of listings, and recent sales from over 1000 partner agencies .

Hundreds of thousands of listings, and recent sales from over 1000 partner agencies .

Qualitative data on your neighborhood, the quality of shops, proximity to schools and hospitals

Qualitative data on your neighborhood, the quality of shops, proximity to schools and hospitals

Economic and demographic data from public studies

Economic and demographic data from public studies

"Agenz's estimate gave me a good idea of the price of my apartment in Marrakech , The tool helped me save time and reassure myself before putting it up for sale"

Interview with Saloua B | Owner in Marrakech .